Can You Permanently Get Rid Of Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux is a feeling of pain and burning that occurs in the middle part of the chest or the upper middle abdomen. The uncomfortable feeling is further aggravated if you are in a lying position. Can you permanently solve this problem and how? There is always a solution!
What Is Actually Acid Reflux?

Gastroesophageal reflux or gastric reflux (GERD), also known as acid reflux – is a common medical problem that affects millions of people. Sometimes, people don’t even realize they actually have it. Occasional and mild heartburn that you may feel is not a concern. It is treated by changes in harmful life habits and with the help of effective preparations.
However, if you have frequent acid reflux – then you need to see a doctor because if you have this sensation more than twice a week, it can be a symptom of a more serious illness. First of all, you should keep in mind that acid reflux is a long-term condition. Whatever you eat, it returns to the esophagus and causes unpleasant symptoms or sometimes more severe complications.
The Most Common Symptoms
Some common symptoms can indicate that you suffer from acid reflux – and you should not ignore them.
Sour Taste In The Mouth

This condition is usually caused by a muscle or so-called sphincter at the top of the stomach. When it becomes weak, the acid rises – and it is that sour taste that we feel in the mouth. It can be present for weeks and is very irritating, which affects the quality of life itself. This problem is especially common in pregnant women because there is more pressure on the stomach.
Intensified Acid In The Throat Or Mouth
Another in a series of typical symptoms is an intensified acid in the throat or mouth. This means that you may feel a bitter or sour taste, belching, and sometimes even vomiting. This symptom is also called regurgitation. It can happen at any time, but it is typical and especially disturbing at night. You may wake up with a bitter or sour liquid in your throat which can also cause panic attacks.

Many have heard of heartburn, even experienced it – but rarely does anyone think of acid reflux. Heartburn is actually the most common symptom of reflux and it usually causes tingling or discomfort in the lower part of the chest after eating. The discomfort may increase when you bend over or lie flat on your back.
When you feel reflux, you may feel discomfort in the stomach, which includes nausea after eating, pain in the upper abdomen, belching – and fullness of the stomach. Sometimes you may lose your appetite due to the feeling of fullness in your stomach.

Dysphagia means that you can feel food in your throat. This happens due to the narrowing of the esophagus. When it occurs, it can become a problem because you cannot swallow – so you may eat too little food which can lead to additional medical problems.
How To Permanently Solve This Problem?
Medical Treatment

This issue is treated by antacids. These are the medications that will neutralize your stomach acid, and release you from the pain and burning sensations in your throat or chest. Certain acid reflux tablets have shown excellent results in the treatment of such problems.
Most antacids work by effectively neutralizing excess stomach acid – and quickly eliminate the pain, heartburn, and other ailments that accompany excessive gastric acid secretion. Some medications used in therapy can even create a protective layer that will protect the gastric mucosa. In recent times, H2 blockers have been increasingly used for the treatment of excessive gastric acid secretion and ulcers.
Some People Are Hypersensitive To Medications – What To Do Then?
Taking classic anti-reflux medications for some people can cause a whole host of side effects. These can sometimes be bone loss, weakness, muscle pain, digestive problems, loss of appetite, headaches, etc. Therefore, for those who are hypersensitive to substances from drugs – we suggest that you try to solve the problem in a natural way: by changing your diet and lifestyle. Think about your own diet, make a list of the most common dishes, and critically consider what bothers you.
Discard problematic food and replace it with one that suits you. Replace fatty and unhealthy oils with olive and coconut oil. You can prepare ginger, clove, and cinnamon tea by adding one teaspoon of the listed ingredients to 300 ml of boiling water. After about twenty minutes, strain and wait for the tea to cool to the appropriate temperature. Studies have shown that, in addition to these foods, probiotics also significantly help with acid reflux.

Just as some foods cause acid reflux, so do certain foods help fight that condition. It is recommended to consume artichokes, asparagus, cucumbers, pumpkins, green leafy vegetables, whole grains (oats, barley, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.), honey, hazelnuts, and almonds. Instead of strong spices, use fennel and ginger, and milder teas – such as chamomile, which is recommended. In addition to careful food selection, diet is also important.
The following things need to be taken into account. Meals must be smaller but more frequent. It is important to chew food well because digestion begins in the mouth. Do not overeat and eat a large amount of food at once as this makes it difficult to close the gastroesophageal sphincter.
Lifestyle Change
Lifestyle greatly affects gastric acid reflux. You can change your lifestyle in all areas: from changing your sleeping position to physical activities. Reflux also occurs during the night. To prevent this, keep your head elevated. Avoid unnecessary and excessive bending and any pressure on the stomach. Stress promotes acid reflux, so it is very important to get rid of all the triggers and learn to deal with stress. Practice light exercises regularly – but don’t burden yourself with too much exercise and effort. Find an activity that suits you, such as walking, swimming, or light yoga exercises.
Acid reflux can be a very unpleasant problem, but it can also indicate more serious health conditions such as problems like intestinal or stomach hernia, ulcers, etc. Therefore, it is recommended that if you suffer from these problems, you consult a doctor – who will give you instructions related to the hygienic-dietary regime, as well as prescribe adequate therapy.