Can Your IQ Change? What Science Has to Say?
There is a lot of discussion about whether or not intelligence can be changed through various means, from education to meditation. In this article, we will explore some of the scientific evidence behind claims that IQ can be changed. We will also look at what the implications of this might be for individuals and society as a whole.
What Is Intelligence?

IQ is a measure of intelligence, and it can change over time. Some people think that IQ can change because of lifestyle choices or environmental factors. What science has to say about this?
Theories of Intelligence

Theories of intelligence are abound, and each one has its own set of supporters. Some believe that intelligence is fixed at birth, while others believe that intelligence can change throughout a person’s lifetime. However, what scientific evidence exists to support these theories?
A study published in Intelligence in 2003 by Daniel Goleman and colleagues reviewed the research on IQ and found that there is little scientific evidence to support the belief that intelligence is fixed at birth.
They analyzed 47 studies on IQ and concluded that “the notion that IQ is largely heritable and immutable is not supported by the data.” In fact, they found that “IQ gains from preschool through early adulthood are largely due to increases in knowledge and not to increases in raw IQ.” In other words, it’s not just about having a high IQ, but also learning and growing as you go along.
Another study published in The American Journal of Psychology in 2006 looked at different concepts of intelligence and determined that “intelligence cannot be equated with any specific test score or ability.” Instead, it’s about “gathering, processing, using, and organizing information.” This means that intelligence can change overtime, depending on what you’re learning and how you’re using your intelligence.
So, while there is some scientific evidence to support the idea that intelligence can change over time, it’s not clear if this change is due to genetic factors or other developmental experiences.
How Can Intelligence be Measured?

IQ is a measure of intelligence that has been used for centuries. However, the definition of IQ has changed over time and there is still much debate about what makes up a high IQ. Some scientists believe that intelligence is not just a single measure, but instead is composed of different skills and abilities. If you want to do an online IQ test, check!
Despite the disagreement, most scientists agree that there is some relationship between IQ and other measures of intelligence. For example, people with high IQs are more likely to be successful in school, have higher incomes, and be healthier than people with lower IQs. However, it is still unclear how much intelligence affects these outcomes.
Some scientists believe that intelligence can be improved through training or education. Others think that genetics play a role in intelligence and that it cannot be changed. The debate over whether or not IQ can change is still ongoing, but science is slowly beginning to provide some answers.
Studies on the Effect of IQ on Life Outcomes

Studies on the effect of IQ on life outcomes are ongoing, but they suggest that having a higher IQ can lead to better outcomes in many areas of life. For example, a study published in the journal Intelligence found that people with higher IQs are more likely to earn more money, be happier, and live longer than people with lower IQs.
Another study published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science found that people with higher IQs are more likely to be successful in their careers. These studies show that having a high IQ can be beneficial in many ways.
What Does This Mean for You?
There is some debate as to whether or not your intelligence can change. While there is no clear answer, some scientists believe that intelligence can change throughout life. This could be due to changes in education or experiences. Regardless of the cause, this information should be taken into account if you’re planning on using IQ tests for career purposes or for other reasons.