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Tekken World Tour Posponed


Coronavirus’ Effect On Tekken World Tour 2024- A Sad But Wise Decision

Coronavirus has taken its toll in the world in 2024 and there is no walk of life that has not been negatively affected by it.

Coronavirus is a contagious disease that is preying on more and more innocent life. Most of the countries have moved towards total lockdown in order to stop the spread of this deadly disease which is attacking people in a snap.

Just like everything in the world, coronavirus has not pitied esports players and gaming enthusiasts. Tekken 7 is a very popular game among gamers because of its unique and creative game design. Its distinctiveness is helping it gain more and more fans every day.

Tekken tour is also a well-acclaimed international tournament series that is impatiently waited for. Bandai Namco arranges world tours for Tekken fans and holds tournaments. People from all over the world gather for this amazing series of events and enjoy them to their fullest.

However, just like many esports tournaments organizers, Bandai Namco also had to reschedule their forthcoming qualifier rounds of the Tekken world tour 2024 & The Soul Calibur World Tour 2024.

The travel restrictions and anticipated risk of contagiousness of the coronavirus have forced Bandai Namco to take this step.

Why The Rescheduling Of The TWT2020 Is Important?

Even though it feltlike a thunderbolt on the hearts of the gamers, but it is a very wise step taken by the organizers. The safety and health of humans come first before entertainment.

The contagious COVID-19 has an ability to transfer from one person to another at a really quick pace. It can be transmitted by really simple means. The main way of its transmission is through person-by-person. If people stand closer than six feet to an infected person, they are likely to catch the virus. Moreover, the respiratory droplets of the infected person when he coughs, or sneezes can also become a cause of the transmission of the virus.

The person-by-person transmission is not the only way of the transfer of the virus. It can spread by getting into contact with a contaminated surface or such an object which has been exposed to the coronavirus. A person who touches such a surface by his/her hand and then touches his/her face, mouth or nose can also become prey to coronavirus.

This is evident to show how much easily coronavirus can spread. That is why the decision to delaying and rescheduling the Tekken world tour 2024 & The Soul Calibur World Tour 2024 is really wise and an act out of responsibility.

The Tekken World Tour 2024 is supposed to include the fans from all around the world. There are many countries that are on the initiation of coronavirus while many countries are on the full height of it. Organizing the event in such mayhem would have resulted in the spread of the disease to a surprisingly great extent.

Hence, instead of becoming a channel for the spread of this contagious disease, Bandai Namco decided to reschedule their world tour and hold everything for a while. This is a great step to ensure the health and safety of the staff, participants and the organizers of the TWT2020.

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