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Persona 6 release date


Persona 6: Release Date, News, Trailer And Rumors

Persona 6: Release Date, News, Trailer And Rumors

When it comes to JRPG games, who can forget about the Persona series. There is no doubt that Persona is likely one of the most loved and played games.

Time flies! It’s been almost 4 years since Persona 5 has been released. And now, we’ve started to hear a lot of rumors for its next sequel. That’s right, we might be soon hearing about Persona 6 in the coming few months. There hasn’t been an official announcement about the release date or its gameplay, but we all have our fingers cross out for this one.

Want to learn about the Persona 6 release date, trailer, teasers, rumors, and everything that we know? If yes, then you need to grab a cup of coffee and keep reading this article until the end. We’ve managed to gather all the news about this game here.

Persona: The History

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona is a JRPG game that was developed by Atlus. The first game “Revelations: Persona” was released back in 1996 for PS1 users. Since then, Atlus has managed to release 4 more series of the game. The most recent entry was Persona 5, which was released in 2016.

The gameplay of Persona is based upon combat against different enemies, such as devils, shadows, demons, and personas. The combat usually takes place during the dungeon crawling segments within the environment of the game.

Each of the installments of the Persona has a unique element added to it. So, you can pretty much rest assured that you’ll never get bored by each sequel of the game.

Persona 6: Release Date

If you’re wondering will we be getting Persona 6, then the answer is quite obvious. YES, WE WILL! But keep in mind that Persona 5 went into production in 2011 and it was released 5 years later. So, it expected that we’ll not be seeing Persona 6 anytime soon, but we’re sure that we’ll get to play it in a couple of years. Why? Well, because it’s been 4 years since Persona 5 was released. We can say that the next sequel can be released before 2024, right?

Just to make things clear, Atlus has not officially announced the release date of Persona 6. However, whenever it gets released, we’re sure that it’ll make groundbreaking sales just like its predecessors.

Persona 6: News

We all know that Persona 5 was a super hit in 2016. Whereas, now Persona 6 has all the opportunity to refine and perfect the gaming experience as much as possible.

As we know that Persona 6 has not been officially announced, but we still expect that it will be released for all the latest gaming consoles such as PS5. And we’re hoping that Person’s 6 gaming experience is able to beat its predecessors in terms of gameplay, graphics, and user engagement.

Persona 6: Trailer

Since there has been no official announcement of the long-awaited Persona 6, we’ve not been able to get our hands on its trailer as well. You might be seeing a lot of fan-made trailers of this game, but keep in mind that none of them would reflect what Atlus has in mind. All we can do is wait and hope for the best.

Persona 6: Rumors

Persona 5 is still a PlayStation exclusive game, right. But we’ve started to hear that Persona 6 will be released on multiple platforms. Until now, this is the only good news that we expect to hear from this game. We all have our fingers crossed and hope to get our hands on this game before 2024.



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